Thursday 9 November 2023

Meta and Ignite Visibility present a new conversion API gateway solution by Ignite Visibility

Meta has partnered with Ignite Visibility to present a comprehensive webinar on the Meta Conversion API (CAPI) Gateway. The recent enhancements to CAPI have made server-side tracking more accessible to advertisers of all sizes.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity — register now for the webinar on Thursday, November 16th, at 11 a.m. PT.

Why you need server-side tracking

In the current digital landscape, precise tracking of user interactions and conversions is essential to optimize advertising ROI. However, marketers are encountering difficulties with data tracking due to browser and platform changes, stringent privacy regulations, and ad blockers. These issues can degrade the performance of advertising campaigns, particularly on platforms like Facebook, where traditional client-side tracking is becoming unreliable.

This is where server-side tracking comes into play.

Server-side tracking sends data directly from the server to Facebook, ensuring crucial information isn’t lost due to browser-based restrictions. One of the most powerful tools in this arena is Facebook’s Conversions API (CAPI), which has been around for several years but was often considered too technically demanding for many businesses to implement effectively.

Recognizing the need for a more accessible solution, Meta has collaborated with select agencies, including Ignite Visibility, to introduce the updated CAPI Gateway. This innovation simplifies server-side tracking, making it attainable for advertisers regardless of size or technical resources.

Don’t miss this exclusive webinar on CAPI

Ignite Visibility experts and Meta’s Global Business and product marketing manager will lead a valuable webinar on CAPI. They will discuss the insights CAPI provides and guide you through its setup process.

Webinar highlights:

  1. Signal fragmentation: Understand its impact on Meta advertising performance.
  2. The new CAPI gateway: Learn about the advancements and how server-side tracking has been transformed.
  3. Enhanced targeting and optimization: Discover how to utilize CAPI for data collection and ad targeting optimization.
  4. Increased efficiency and reduced costs: Learn how improved signal quality can enhance campaign efficiency and lower acquisition costs.
  5. Ignite Visibility’s turnkey solution: The webinar will introduce Ignite Visibility’s straightforward approach to transitioning to server-side tracking, designed to be accessible for all advertisers.

In a digital ecosystem where data is king, ensuring the integrity of your advertising signals is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. This webinar is an opportunity for marketers to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that their campaigns continue to deliver optimal results.

Sign up today!

The post Meta and Ignite Visibility present a new conversion API gateway solution appeared first on Search Engine Land.

via Search Engine Land

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