Thursday 4 August 2022

Google tests new SERP feature that gives searchers Perspectives

Google has confirmed with Search Engine Land that it is testing a new search feature named Perspectives.

Google explained this feature is an experiment to help searchers in new ways to find helpful information that they are seeking. However, Google declined to answer more specific questions on how to trigger this, when this might show and how publishers can have their content show in this new search box.

What are search Perspectives? Basically, Perspectives appear to be multiple short featured snippets that give searchers a wider and more diverse set of answers for their query. Again, Google would not give us any official definition, Google would only say this is an experiment and Google does a lot of experiments.

What it looks like. Here is a screenshot I was able to replicate myself:

It looks like two separate feature snippets in one, called multifaceted featured snippets, which we know Google does.

Brodie Clark posted another example over here and Brian Freiesleben also noted these tests without the Perspectives label at the top.

Other tests. We have seen Google test these other featured snippet variations, such as from the web and various card-based featured snippets. So Google is clearly stepping up testing new user interfaces and experiences for the featured snippet section of the search results.

Why we care. When it comes to featured snippets, it is a spot most SEOs would love to be placed in. At the same time, some complain the click-through rate is not optimal on all queries when being featured in that position. Would sharing the featured snippet spot with this new Perspectives interface change result in more clicks or less? This is something to keep an eye on to see if Google does roll this out more widely and how searchers’ perspectives change around such a feature.

The post Google tests new SERP feature that gives searchers Perspectives appeared first on Search Engine Land.

via Search Engine Land

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