Monday 17 October 2022

TikTok has a new Focused View campaign objective

The new Focused View campaign objective allows brands only pay when users have voluntarily watched an ad for at least 6 seconds or when they interacted with the ad within the first 6 seconds (whichever comes first).

What this means. Focused View is the new Video View campaign type. Selecting the Focused View objective means that ads are shown to users who are truly paying attention and voluntarily engaging with the brand.

Focused View allows TikTok to optimize for two different kinds of engagement:

  • Emotional engagement through content consumption: Targeting users who are most likely to view your ad for at least six seconds
  • Tangible engagement through interaction: Targeting users who are more likely to actively engage with an ad by liking, sharing, following or clicking

Early adopters. During its Alpha phase, Samsung used Focused View on their Summer of Galaxy campaign, aimed at driving awareness and engagement for their Galaxy products. The 6-second Focused View objective helped to drive:

  • +11% increase in ad recall
  • +18% improvement in 2-second CPVs
  • +53% increase in average watch time per view
  • 2.8x increase in completion rate

Release date. Focused View will be available to advertisers, globally, on October 20.

Dig deeper. You can read the announcement from TikTok here.

Why we care. Advertisers who use TikTok to promote their brands can use the new Focused View campaign objective to show their ads to users they know are paying attention. Ideally, this would increase engagement and conversions. With all new features and products, advertisers should test the new campaign objective when it is released.

The post TikTok has a new Focused View campaign objective appeared first on Search Engine Land.

via Search Engine Land

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