Tuesday 22 October 2013

Google Logo Doubles As Parachute Game Before Answering The Question: When Was The First Parachute Jump?

The Google logo team has been busier than usual this week. After celebrating salsa singer Celia Cruz yesterday, today’s Google logo includes an interactive image to mark the first parachute jump. Performed by Andre-Jacque Garnerin on October 22, 1797, the jump occurred 216 years ago at Parc...

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

via Search Engine Land: News & Info About SEO, PPC, SEM, Search Engines & Search Marketing http://feeds.searchengineland.com/~r/searchengineland/~3/RlCqB2X2k5E/googles-interactive-logo-asks-users-when-was-the-first-parachute-jump-174780

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